Eneca GmbH

Biogas and Landfill gas

ENECA GmbH provides consultancy, preliminary studies and design services in the field of bioenergy.

We are not bound to any specific technology or manufacturer. We are able to develop the optimal technical and economic solution for any particular client. Our clients come from the agricultural sector, industry and local administrations. ENECA GmbHsuccessfully cooperates with Swedish, Lithuanian, German and other customers.

Our services:
  • Concept studies and master plans;
  • Feasibility studies;
  • Site investigations;
  • Assistance in tendering and contract award;
  • Design, preparation of tender documents and approval by the authorities;
  • Project management;
  • Construction design supervision.

Reference Projects

Construction of biogas facility at the wastewater treatment plant
Project description: The project is intended to extract electrical and heat energy from the biological sludge contained in waste water using anaerobic digestion technology with the production of biogas to be furtherly burnt in the installed gas piston units. The project scope included construction of a biogas complex with the total digestion capacity 115 m3 per day, with the content of solid substance in the sludge 3 – 5,5% including the construction of a facilities complex for stabilizing the sludge (methane tanks), facilities for using biogas in heat and power engineering utilities of sewage treatment facilities.
The project scope included
  • construction of a biogas complex with the total digestion capacity 115 m3 per day, with the content of solid substance in the sludge 3 – 5,5%
  • the construction of a facilities complex for stabilizing the sludge (methane tanks)
  • facilities for using biogas in heat and power engineering utilities of sewage treatment facilities.
Biogas complex Krasniy Bereg
Project description: Construction of a biogas complex for the generation of electricity and heat from biogas obtained by anaerobic processing of liquid manure. The installed electric capacity of the cogeneration unit is 1.98 MW, the total heat capacity is 2.178 MW.
Scope of work: electrical design, instrumentation and control, other disciplines (structural design, HVAC, plumbing, etc.).
Basic and detailed design.
Biogas complex
Project description: Construction of the biogas complex Nizki for the generation of electrical and heat energy from biogas obtained by anaerobic processing of manure generated at the complex for keeping cattle (with the addition of post-alcohol stillage, and corn silage). The installed electric capacity is 0,821 MW, heat capacity is 1.634 MW.
Scope of work: electrical design, instrumentation and control, other disciplines (structural design, HVAC, plumbing, etc.). Basic and detailed design.
Active degassing of landfill for municipal solid waste
Type of services: Design of architectural and construction concept. Company carried out construction supervision.
Project description: This project included several stages:
  • The first stage foresees installation of 3 gas piston units with the total amount of electrical capacity of 3 MW, using landfill gas as the main fuel.
  • The second stage includes construction of gas pipeline to the landfill of municipal solid waste.
  • The third stage includes reconstruction of existing system due to increase of landfill relief: transportation of existing pipeline and units.
The estimation of technological and economic potential of timber Processing Complex biomass utilization
Type of services: Implementation of Feasibility study.
Project description: Analysis of biomass sources and development of bioenergetics objects layout.
The project provided:
  • The estimation of technological and economic potential of biomass for electric and thermal energy production;
  • Analysis of electric and thermal energy production technologies, selection of the most energy-efficient;
  • Defining bioenergetics objects, whole capacity for electric and thermal energy production is 701 MW;
  • Calculation of economy efficiency indicators for each energy source;
  • Assessment of the transport component impact on the energy cost;
  • Environmental impact assessment.
Construction and design of a biogas plant on a basis of a cattle farm
Type of services: Implementation of pre-design documentation (investment consideration) and design documentation.
Project description: Construction of 3 biogas plants with electric capacity of 999 kW each and total thermal capacity of 1101 kW each in Traygi and Kronki villages. Biogas is generated by anaerobic processing of cow manure. The produced biogas is burned as a fuel in container-type cogeneration units for generation of electric and thermal energy.