Eneca GmbH


When was the last time you have seen someone read an instruction manual? Take the time to observe your surroundings and focus on important things in your life, like your family members or your business partners. You will quickly notice that our world has changed tremendously through digitalization and everyone values his time and prefers to watch a short training and explanatory films. The target is to save as much time as possible. Therefore, the animation films must be short, simple and memorable. Leave this task to our experts and enjoy the result.
Our Services

  • Explainer films in 2D and 3D views
  • Instructional and training films in cartoon or classic representations
Explainer films in 2D and 3D views
Video details & Credits:

▪ Duration: 36 seconds
▪ Format: 2d graphics with character animation
▪ Type: Animated Explainer Video
▪ Timing: 12 weeks

Instructional and training films in cartoon or classic representations
Video details & Credits:

▪ Duration: 58 seconds
▪ Format: 2d graphics
▪ Type: Animated Explainer Video
▪ Timing: 5 weeks

Explainer films in 2D views
Video details & Credits:

▪ Duration: 60 seconds
▪ Format: 2d graphics with character animation
▪ Type: Animated Explainer Video
▪ Timing: 6 weeks

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