Eneca GmbH

Pioneer method for modelling railings in Revit: precision and efficiency

What was the problem?

Each architect comes across with a problem of system railings in Revit: it’s impossible to extract all their parts into an automatic bill! Our team has developed a unique solution, which not only makes your work easier at a conceptual stage, but also ensures the precise calculation of all elements in detailed design.

What have we decided to do?
After thoroughly analysing all methods for modelling railings available, we’ve come to the conclusion that the best option would be to create a library of railings based on a system family.
But there is one crucial difference - the use of a family belonged to category Supports as filling.

What is the result?
The railing which at all levels of details represents a voluminous model with detailed geometry. All the elements get to the automatically formed bills in terms of catebuilding and facility.

What are the advantages of our library?

The railings from our library can be placed everywhere: onto the slabs, staircases, ramps, contextual models and even roofs. But there's more to it! At the architectural design stage (basic design) you can place the railings all over the base automatically. However, we recommend to place the railing by hand using a sketch to reach the maximum precision at the construction design stage (detailed design).

Let’s consider the work procedure step by step:

For an architectural design stage, railings can be placed automatically on the staircases,
but the railing should be placed manually to have the railing elements correctly shown and calculated in the bill at the construction design stage. For tracing, go to tab Architecture > panel “Motion > drop-down list Railing > Tracing Sketch
What are the advantages of our library).

3D modelling advantages in comparison with CAD design:

- Convenient environment for cooperation of designers;
- Optimal design solution, taking into account the interconnection of all structural and equipment details.
- Efficient distribution of employees and resources;
- Opportunity for:
Submitting the model to all specialists working on the adjacent design disciplines and sub-contractors;
- Revealing collisions at all design stages;
- Instant access to any data on the facility for planning and calculation of reconstruction or major repairs costs;
- Creation of a list of material and structural elements consumed, a list of material and equipment in the common environment.;
- Control of the actual scope of the work performed, as well as over the performance of financial and technical supervision, cost justification review.
- Preparation of visual and virtual presentation of design solutions for investors;
- Environmental friendliness

Initial data requirements

To develop a 3D model, first of all, you need a high-quality 2D base and a competent Terms of Reference. The key requirements for converting from 2D to 3D are:
● Provision of all the necessary and sufficient information from the side of the customer in the form of CAD materials / PDF drawings /paper drawings
● Compliance with the required level of detail (LOD) (to develop a model with a high level of LOD, the drawings must be high qualitative).
Practical experience
Modelling of an underground car park
Initial data: 2D drawings in PDF and DWG format.
Built-up area: 3905 m2;
Objective: to obtain an architectural 3D model of an underground car park as a part of a residential house in Switzerland with level of detail LOD200 in an IFC-format for further development of the adjacent design disciplines.
Features: non-standard curvilinear car park shapes; complicated sloping system, curvilinear wall shapes, small amount of initial data for development, tight deadlines.
Description of the development: When developing the 3D model, some mistakes were revealed in the provided drawings, and an audit of the design documentation was carried out. Our team kept in touch with the customer, coordinating various issues when creating the model throughout the model development process. The model was being sent for verification with a certain frequency, so that the customer could assess and control the process and quality of the model developed.
Modelling of multifunctional complex façades in LOD400
Initial data: 2D drawings of details in PDF and DWG formats, list of requirements to the filled parameters of model elements.
Objective: to obtain a 3D model of glazed façades and their fastenings with the level of detail LOD400 in an IFC-format, filling in the required parameters in each element of the model.
Features: high model detailing, a huge amount of initial data, tight deadlines.
Description of the development: For this project, we have developed all parts of the glazing system, including fastenings, from scratches, so that the customer could see detailed information on each fastening and each panel in Navisworks software. As a result of typical elements creation, the façade could be assembled like Lego construction toys, and the necessary parameters could be filled in, as well.

This solution made it possible to accurately specify all structural elements and vividly visualise the model for builders.