For what are loadable families and their main properties needed?
Why is it important for manufacturers to have digital twins of their products?Earlier, we have already assessed the
advantages of BIM modelling over CAD technologies. And now, let's figure out, what gives us those advantages.
In real life, any facility consists of a great number of elements (materials and equipment). Revit developers were following that concept and built the work of the program based on the virtual twins of real objects - families. Thus, the families (when arranged and filled properly) have the whole set of properties and characteristics needed for their identification in the project.
As there are no many high qualitative families in free access, our company creates the families for BIM models by itself. Based on our experience, let's examine, which properties the families can have, which settings and in-built elements can be used in the families to apply the families in electrical power supply BIM models more widely.
Key characteristics of the families:
1. 3D model of object. The first thing we do when creating the families is creating 3D body of an object. Depending on the given task, it can be both a simple monochrome geometrical shape and a complex structure consisting of several elements with the material assigned to each element (metal, glass, plastic...).